The subject I picked for this issue before we go to the trivia, is Jedi Lightsabers. I hope this clears up most of your confusion about them. Next Issue, I'll feature some info on the ships in the STAR WARS UNIVERSE. In this Issue, I focused mainly on the Star Wars Trilogy and not the all the other books (Jedi Search, Truce at Bakura Etc.) Anyways here it is: JEDI LIGHTSABERS For more than a thousand generations, during the reign of the Old Republic, a masterfully-trained and dedicated order known as the Jedi served as the guardians of peace and justice. Spread across a thousand worlds, they brought calm and confidence to the centenzry, who knew that few dared to cross the knights of that revered and ancient group. A prime reason for the intense respect the Jedi had earned was their masterful use of a weapon they themselves had created - the Lightsaber. The Lightsaber is a product of an ancient, once forgotten technology. It is an exquisite weapon, one that flows and moves as its master moves. The skillful wielding of its legendary blade was considered the true mark of a Jedi, right up until the reign of Emperor Palpatine and his Empire began--at which time, the Jedi were hunted down and elimated. While the order of the Jedi is all but extinct, a few of their elegant weapons remain. One Lightsaber, constructed by Anakin Skywalker, belonged to the last of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker. Anakin Skywalker's 'saber was roughly 34-30 centimeters long and featured a handle body of polished durasteel. An inner shell contained the incredible energies generated within, without transmitting their heat to the device's outer surfaces. (Luke Skywalker lost his father's Lightsaber during combat on Bespin, at the expense of his right hand--lost to the blade of the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader.) Using what he had learned from the detailed examination (and skilled use) of his father's Lightsaber, Luke Skywalker, like all Jedi before him, built his replacement Lightsaber himself. This new, self-built unit shares those elements common to all 'sabers: It houses a power cell within the handgrip; crystallite lenses are faceted to perfection; focusing core channels the intense energy of the cell into a coherent beam that bends circumferentally back upon itself to create a cutting "blade." A Lightsaber can be wielded properly only after years of extensive training and disciplined use. The Jedi, it is told, could deflect blaster bolts and particle beams by the skilled use of their blades. Often the mere sight of the intensely-luminous blade and the unique, indescribable hum of that same blade slicing the air served to scatter most opposition. STAR WARS Technical Journal : Of the planet TATOOINE#1 STAR WARS TRIVIA 2.0 Sorry about what I'm about to say , but I'm not going to release a answer sheet to SWT 1.0 because it would just simply take to long. You can however just reply to me at : Kyp Durron, Jedi Night, or BJGP33C on Prodigy. As I said before, I'm focusing on the actual SW Movies this time. Because I thought that the first issue(edition) had to many sources to pick from. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away............ THE HOLOCRON I'm not telling you what it is, when it will come out or anything. I just know that everyone will love it!! (It will be on the Comp. of course). <><><><><><>STAR WARS TRIVIA AREA<><><><><> 1. What language does Jabba the Hutt speak? 2. Of what species is Salacious Crumb? 3. What is Salacious Crumb's middle name? 4. How many Bespin guards "welcomed" the Millennium Falcon crew? 5. What creatures attached themselves to the Millennium Falcon? 6. How many times has a Death Star been fired? 7. Who said, "Cut to the left, I'll take the leader." ? 8. How many shots did Boba Fett shoot at Luke on Bespin? 9. In the Empire Strikes Back, which Admiral did Darth Vader "choke to death?" 10. What did Uncle Owen tell Luke was his father's occupation? 11. Who is Blue Snaggletooth? 12. What does Yoda cook for Luke? 13. What is another name for AT-ST? 14. Who was the lead singer in Jabba's Max Rebo band? 15. Which snowspeeder finds Han & Luke's Tent? 16. Name some of the creature's in the Max Rebo band. 17. What are all the add-ons on Darth Vader's lightsaber? 18. What is the name of the tourcher droid in ROTJ? 19. What is an IG-88 droid? (Other than a droid) 20. What creature swallowed the Falcon in Empire? 21. How much did Jabba pay for the Rancor? 22. What did Luke command the guards to do in Jabba's Palace? 23. How many languages can Jabba speak? 24. What language did the "bounty hunter" Boushh speak? 25. Who is Ishi Tib? 26. Who is Barada? 27. What kind of blaster does Han Solo carry(In ROTJ only) ? 28. What was the clearance code of the Lambda class shuttle that Darth Vader was escorted to in the beginning of ROTJ? 29. Who is Ephant Mon? 30. Where did Ephant Mon die? 31. What was the code of the stormtrooper armor that Luke was in? 32. What is the name of the ship that Biggs was assigned to in the SW novelization? 33. What is the name of Boba Fett's ship? 34. What was the name of Captain Needa's Star Destroyer? 35. What is the name of Darth Vader's Super Star Destroyer? 36. Who led the Imperial Ground assault against the Rebel Base on Hoth? 37. What rank was Obi-Wan? 38. What did Luke like to shoot on Tatooine that were no bigger than 2 meters? 39. Where was Luke attacked by the Sand People? 40. Where did the Sand People get ther name? 41. What kind of gas did Cloud City use? 42. What were done with the Imperial prisoners after the "Battle of Endor"? 43. In the ROTJ novelization, what was one of R2D2's Ewok friends? 44. How long was Anikan Skywalker, Darth Vader? 45. In ROTJ, what is the name of Lando's copilot? 46. How many kind's of squad leaders were there on the Space Attack against the II Death Star?(Name the color's) 47. How many squads did the Commander on Endor, of the Imperial Forces, tell to get help? 48. How many armadas where sent to take out the Death Star(in ROTJ)? 49. What is the name of the Controller on the second Death Star? ( HINT: He said " . . . . The shield will be activated once we have your clearance. . . .") 50. What was the Emperor's first lesson to Luke? 51. What are the names of all the Ewoks named in the ROTJ novelization? 52. What is a common last name for a corellian? 53. What are the name's of the Elder Ewoks? 54. What, in military time, was Han, Chewie, etc. supposed to meet Leia at the shield generator? 55. What did Leia think of Wicket the first time she saw him? 56. What is the name of the droid that made Luke's new hand in ESB? 57. What liquid was filled in the tank, when reviving Luke from his night out on Hoth? 58. What platform did Luke land on when he came to Cloud City? 59. What is the direction of the platform that Han was transported from in carbonite form? (In ESB) 60. What food was Yoda speaking of when he said "How do you get so big eating food of this kind"? 61. What was the code for the Transport ship that Han, Leia & 3P0, were going to escape to(on Hoth)? 62. Who was Rogue Two? 63. How many snowspeeder's attacked the AT-AT's? 64. What would be transmitted when evacuation was complete on Hoth? 65. What sector was Han and Luke in win they had to sleep without sheltor? 66. Who was Major Derlin? 67. Who said "Deader than a Triton's moon?" in the ESB novel? 68. Who was Blue 5 in the first attack against the Death Star(1) ? 69.Name the Dancer Jabba fed to the Rancor. 70.What is the name of the tools Chewie gave Han just before entering the Asteroid Field. 71.What kind of ship destroyed the Super Star Destroyer in ROTJ? 72.What was the name of Leia's Rebel Blockade Runner in ANH? 73.What General was in charge of the Hoth operation? 74.After Darth Vader killed Admiral Ozzel, who did he promote to replace him? 75.Why doesn't Bespin fall under the jurisdiction of the Empire or the mining guilds? 76.What were the green, reptillian creatures the stormtroopers used as mounts in ANH? 77.Who was Wedge (Rogue 3) Snowspeeder gunner in TESB?